Gutheil-Schoder-Gasse 8-12, 1100 Vienna
<a href=”tel:+43 1 9971993 0″>+43 1 9971993 0</a>

Versatile Wireless Technologies

Stay in Control

Our Mission Embedded experts develop highly safe platforms for the transmission of control information for a large variety of use cases in sectors like aerospace, transportation or public safety. Our systems provide reliable access over long distances. Safety communication protocols make sure users know at every point in time if information was correctly received and their commands are executed.


Optimal Latency and Robust Design

Our experts have the required experience to achieve optimal end-to-end latency and to increase the robustness of bidirectional transmissions. To support greater autonomy, our mobile remote-control devices can be equipped with extremely low power energy saving components.


Suitable for many Use Cases

Our platforms are designed for easy adaptability and are characterized by their flexibility to allow for faster and easier integration into new use cases. Possible applications include but are not limited to the remote controlling of unmanned vehicles in the railway sector and remotely piloted aircrafts (RPAS, UAV) for defense or public safety use cases.

We at Mission Embedded are also happy to provide you with a complete system that exactly fits your situation and needs– from the antenna through to the application.


Safety is our Priority

We offer the know-how and experience required to transform your needs into dependable embedded systems. We are the experts when it comes to high functional safety demands posed by critical missions. Our sub-systems are certifiable according to SIL1/SIL2/SIL3 and Performance Level C/D/E. We provide all needed certification artifacts for our sub-systems as well as support throughout the certification and approval process of the final product.

Benefit from our Expertise in Safety Radio Remote Control Systems:

  • optimised latency of end-to-end transmission
  • robust and reliable link (frequency hopping, forward error correction)
  • low power design
  • long range modes
  • high throughput


Our Areas of Expertise in Radio Frequency Technology:

  • Wifi (EEE 802.11x)
  • Bluetooth (Low Energy)
  • Sub-GHz
  • ISM
  • SDR
  • ZigBee
  • 6LoWPAN
  • Mobile Communication (GSM, 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE, GSM-R, L band)
  • LoRa
  • Sigfox
  • etc.